28 Explore More About Playgrounds, Adventure Playgrounds, and Other Play Spaces

person, people, girl, play, child, female, young, park, child, childhood, smiling, smile, playful, outdoors, outside, children, fun, happy, happiness, playground, toddler, small, joy , Child playing, Outdoor play equipment

Would you like to learn more about different types of play spaces that support children’s play? Consider exploring one of the resources below to expand your thinking on this topic.

In this webinar, learn more about risky play from Keeler, the author of Adventures in Risky Play: What is Your Yes?. He will share many key elements of risky play such as the benefits, tools to support, and environments that encourage this type of play. To view this webinar you will need to request access.

In this episode of the podcast Disconnect: The Outdoor Podcast, learn from Brussoni about risky play and why it is beneficial for children to engage in this type of play. You will also find a selection of resources shared by Brussoni that will provide more information on this topic.

In this episode from the podcast Rediscovering Play, learn from families about the challenges children with disabilities find in play spaces and how several groups are working to make playgrounds accessible to all children.



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